Frequently Asked Questions

Minimum 6 months, no maximum. The reason for a minimum age is so their vaccinations have time to build an immunity in their system. It is also beneficial that the pup is fully bonded to you as its family before going off to stay with a stranger for training. It is never too late to start training a mature dog!

Every dog is different, but here are the averages:

Basic Obedience - 1 month

Advanced Obedience- 2 months

Bird dog training - 4 months (advanced lessons beyond basic bird hunting vary per topic)

NOTE: Some dogs finish early and some take longer. The above times are estimates based on averages.

Yes! However, wait until after the first 30 days. By then your dog will think of our training facility as it's "home away from home" - sooner than that, your dog might have anxiety when it sees the owner leave without it before it's fully settled in. But after 30 days, visits are actually encouraged!

While vet visits are rare, working dogs are a high risk category in general. Even non-working dogs can occasionally incur some medical expenses, though we do everything we can to minimize any risk. The dog's owner is responsible for all medical expenses. If it is minor, we will call you before treating. If there is something more urgent and life threatening, we will get your dog to the vet right away and get it stabilized and will call you as soon as possible. Your dogs safety is our top concern. Please note, vet bills, regardless of the reason, are due immediately upon services rendered and the dog's owner is responsible for the full cost of immediate and subsequent related medical care.

If have Questions you can clarify here

Your dog must be up to date on all vaccinations including kennel cough. Dog flu is required if your dog ever goes to dog parks or other public places where other dogs frequently visit in the major cities and suburbs. Rattlesnake vaccine is recommended but not required. You'll need to provide any medications/flea tick and heartworm prevention for us to administer while your dog is in our care. 

Also, a negative fecal within two weeks prior to arrival is required. If your dog has stool without form or has diarrhea, please consult with a veterinarian to have it cleared for giardia, worms, coccidia, or parvo, prior to drop off. Some of these pathogens are "intermittent shedders," meaning if it may not be visible in every fecal sample, so a recheck based on symptoms is important. If drop off needs to be delayed, we will work with you to be flexible. This extra step is vital to ensuring the safety and health of all dogs on the premises, including yours. If your dog is not feeling well, he or she may not be in the right frame of mind to train effectively. Thank you for your understanding. Please review this portion in our contract as well.

Obedience (basic or advanced) $2000/mo. - est 4-6 wks

Bird dog training - $1500/mo (all birds included!). - est 4 mos

COMBO - Discounted rates, contact us. 

Navhda/German testing - 1500/mo - est 4-8 months, depends on test

Private lessons - $200/session (min 6 sessions, limited availability). 

Custom Behavioral - CONTACT US

NOTE: $500 nonrefundable deposit per dog required at booking, goes toward training fee. Balance for first month due at dropoff unless other terms agreed upon in advance.

If you arrive early please note we might be finishing up a training session or in another appointment or phone call. Please wait by your vehicle and we will be with you as soon as we can. 

If you arrive more than 30 minutes late for a drop off or more than an hour late for a training demonstration and pick up, please note that there is a possibility we might be with another client and you may need to wait until the next appointment is finished. 

We strive to be flexible with everyone but please help us to accommodate everyone equally by scheduling appointments in advance and keeping your appointed time slots. 

Unfortunately we cannot guarantee a certain result. However, after having worked with over 1000 dogs of many different breeds and many different personalities and issues, and considering that significantly most have successfully completed their respective programs, the odds are in your favor. But - variables such as a dog's ability to focus, learn, retain information, as well as the owner's ability to maintain what has been taught, environmental factors in the home, and many other variables, no results can be promised up front. We do provide updates and video clips during training, and we do provide support after your dog goes home (conditions apply - refer to contract).

Our Results

Our Results are fantastic

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